Improved Blog Experience

myjeeva blog logo

Hello I’m Jeeva, I have actively started writing articles through my blog 2011, April onwards.  Initially as a newbie in blogging space, I have brought domain name and created a self hosted wordpress blog.  Over a period I have learned a lot in blogging space; started noting down one by one on my to-do list.  Then I took sufficient time on studies, analysis of my to-do list; whether good to go or not! Because when you have to take deicsion, you will so many reference to get diverted with many variation/suggestion.

Thing is every analysis & study are always suggesting & ending with choice!  Choice… Choice… Choice… Choose better one and stick to it :)

So, I have finalized following to-do list and successfully applied to myjeeva blog Today, I’m fully aware of impacts and improvements:

Moving from WWW to non-WWW: Just google it, plenty of reference(s) are available to make a decision, finally I made mine for myjeeva blog i.e. non-www domain name.

Permanent Link Structure: Mostly article on myjeeva blog are not time boxed, I have been thing to choose best and possible one. I have decieded to go with

Cache Plugin for my Blog: I have tried following plugins W3 Total Cache, Hyper Cache, WP Super Cache and finally settled with WP Super Cache.

CDN implementation: Delivering static assets through Content Delivery Network [CDN], finally settled down with MaxCDN for myjeeva blog.

Enabling Mobile capabilities: finally chosen WPTouch Pro for myjeeva blog.

Apart from above implementation, below are the minor improvements:

  • docs and demo related elements are organized under sub domains,
  • Redesigned blog logo
  • Blog referred from to myjeeva blog
  • Updated couple of color scheme and Typography
  • Facebook page url updated to
  • Started organizing content of my blog, will soon make it happen

myjeeva blog is ready to use and will provide nice experience :)